Category Differential diagnosis
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Bronchial breath sounds

Bronchial breath sounds are characterised by expiration and inspiration producing noise of equal loudness and duration, sounding like blowing through a hollow tube. The expiratory sound is heard during the greater part of expiration, whereas the inspiratory sound stops abruptly at the height of inspiration, with a pause before the sound of expiration is heard.
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

High airway pressure DDx

High airway pressures in the intubated patient can signify the presence of a life-threatening emergency. The underlying cause is either with the 'man or the machine' (patient versus equipment). A structured approach to this problem is essential.
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Massive haemoptysis DDx

Haemoptysis is the symptom of coughing up blood. Massive haemoptysis has no generally accepted definition. Suggested volumes range from 100 mL to more than 1000 mL. A more relevant definition of massive haemoptysis is the volume that is life threatening by virtue of airway obstruction or blood loss (anatomical dead space is only 100-200 mL)
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Pulmonary fibrosis DDx

Causes of pulmonary fibrosis can be divided into those that affect the upper lobes and those predominantly affecting the lower lobes
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680


Urea (Blood Urea Nitrogen – BUN) is the chief end product of protein metabolism. it is formed in the liver from ammonia and excreted by the kidneys. Urea accounts for 50% of serum non-protein nitrogen Causes of Increased serum urea…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Dogma and Pseudoaxioms

Dogma is a belief generally held to be true by a group, organisation or professional body that is put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds. Axioms are universally accepted principles or rules. Pseudoaxioms, like pseudoscience, are "false principles or rules often handed down from generation to generation of medical providers and accepted without serious challenge or investigation"
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Small bowel obstruction

Key radiological features of small bowel obstruction are dilated bowel loops that are central, contain valvulae conniventes, and are pliable (“bent finger”).
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Groin lump DDx

Groin lumps can be categorised as occurring above or below the inguinal ligament. Differential diagnosis