Category Hot Case
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Weakness Hot Case

GENERAL APPROACH Unilateral or bilateral weakness Upper vs Lower motor neuron lesion Brain Spinal cord Peripheral nerves NMJ Muscles INTRODUCTION CUBICLE wheelchair walking aids hand weights INFUSIONS IVIG (GB, MG, vasculitis) VENTILATOR high level of pressure support (global weakness) PEEP…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Spinal Injury Patient Hot Case

GENERAL APPROACH Phase of injury— Acute: ileus, cardiovascular, ventilation— Sub-acute: recurrent atelectasis and segmental collapse— Chronic: pain, psychological issues, infection (uro, resp, pressure areas), autonomic dysreflexia, spasm. Stability of spine Tracheostomy Other injuries INTRODUCTION CUBICLE Edgerton spinal bed until spine…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Oliguria and Anuria Hot Case

GENERAL APPROACH Type of renal failure Acute (usually multi-factorial) Chronic (e.g. dialysis dependent) or Acute on Chronic (e.g. post-renal transplant) Causes Pre-renal – hypovolemia, any cause of shock, sepsis, renovascular disease Intra-renal – nephrotoxins, urine for casts + protein, sepsis,…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Obstetric Patient Hot Case

GENERAL APPROACH Illness requiring ICU admission Pregnancy + Baby Delivery – when or already done INTRODUCTION CUBICLE CTG presence of midwives INFUSIONS PET: MgSO4, phenytoin, hydralazine, GTN pre-term labour: tocolytics, steroids thromboembolism: heparin bleeding: blood products, fluid boluses, TXA cardiogenic…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Neutropaenic Fever Hot Case

GENERAL APPROACH Infectious community acquired nosocomial (surgical site, lines, chest, urine, sinusitis) Non-infectious head injury  DVT -> PE drug/toxin SIRS (post surgery, trauma, aspiration, pancreatitis) Hypermetabolic syndromes -> thyroid storm-> NMS-> MH-> heat stroke-> phaeo-> liver failure-> burns-> cocaine toxicity->…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Multi-organ Failure Hot Case

GENERAL APPROACH Initial illness and response to treatment Diagnosis correct Organ failures and support for each organ Complications of stay – nosocomial infection… INTRODUCTION CUBICLE number of organs being supported INFUSIONS resuscitation fluid being administered noradrenaline (sepsis) sedation and neuromuscular…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Intra-abdominal Catastrophe Patient Hot Case

GENERAL APPROACH Cause Treatment (source control) — complete or ongoing? Nutrition — NBM? route? nutritional status? Complications – ACS, fungal sepsis? How to move forward? Important causes intra-abdominal sepsis pancreatitis abdominal trauma perforation (e.g. ulcer, appendicitis, diverticulitis, tumor, obstruction, anastomotic…