Category LITFL
Sigbert Josef Maria Ganser (1853 – 1931) 340

Sigbert Ganser

Sigbert Josef Maria Ganser (1853 – 1931) was a German psychiatrist. 'Ganser syndrome' an hysterical disorder he first described in 1898
BSCC Basic Science in Clinical Context 340 2

EC50 and Spare Receptors

In relation to drug concentration and responses, what is the EC50 and what are spare receptors? Draw a dose response curve for an irreversible antagonist as the spare receptors become occupied.
eponymictionary-340-256 2

Moschcowitz disease

Moschcowitz disease (1924) [aka *thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)]. Congenital syndrome characterised by thrombocytopenia, purpura, haemolytic anaemia, hyaline thromboses, renal failure and neurological symptoms.

How to give a ‘ripper’ talk

I’m neither Garr Reynolds nor Nancy Duarte. I’m not even Ross Fisher (sorry about the "even" Ross, but look at the company you keep!). Still, I’m going to hit you with some advice.
BSCC Basic Science in Clinical Context 340 2

Efficacy and Potency

Pharmacology Photism: What is the difference between efficacy and potency. Please draw a graph in your example. BSCC Examination question
eponymictionary-340-256 2

Cotard syndrome

Cotard syndrome: A rare condition characterized by nihilistic delusions, where a patient believes that they are dead, have missing organs, or have decaying or failing body parts.
Eli Moschcowitz (1879 - 1964) 340

Eli Moschcowitz

Eli Moschcowitz (1879 - 1964) was a Hungarian born, American pathologist and physician. Associated with Moschcowitz disease (TTP, 1925); Moschcowitz signa dn triad (1933)
FOAM-LITFL-FOAMed FOAM 340 Conversation

Leonard Cohen and FOAM

The concept of implementing a baseline for global healthcare provision was discussed with Leonard Cohen - musician, poet and philosopher - 2013 Melbourne.