Category Procedure
CCC Critical Care compendium 340


Pericardiocentesis: procedure used to remove pericardial effusion by needle aspiration; treatment of pericardial effusion and/or tamponade

General Preparation for Procedures

Prepare yourself Familiarise yourself with the procedure, including the indications, contraindications, technique with anatomical landmarks, and the potential complications. Never perform a procedure unless you have first observed. that procedure being performed, and then performed the procedure at least once…

Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Ultrasound Case 077

Ultrasound guided peripheral intravenous cannula placement. Out-of-plane technique for PIV cannula placement.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Finger Thoracostomy

Finger Thoracostomy: Any pneumothorax in a patient undergoing positive pressure ventilation; Actual or near traumatic cardiac arrest; Shocked state with no apparent cause; Pleural drainage is not indicated in drowning or hangings unless pneumothorax is diagnosed. Remember pleural decompression will reduce the efficiency of the ACD and impedance valve
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Standard Precautions

Previously known by various names including "universal precautions", standard precautions are designed to reduce the risk of microorganism transfer from both recognised and unrecognised sources to a susceptible host.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Pleural Tap

Pleural Tap: Thoracocentesis; Diagnostic - determine the cause of pleural effusion. Therapeutic - remove excess pleural fluid to assist respiration and provide symptomatic relief.