Category Medical Specialty
Martin Kirschner (1879 – 1942) 340

Martin Kirschner

Martin Kirschner (1879-1942) was a German surgeon. Significant contribution to general surgery; orthopaedic surgery; traumatology; anaesthesiology and pain therapy
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Auenbrugger Bone Sign

Auenbrugger Bone sign (more commonly known as Heuter sign) may be used to define the presence of upper limb fracture or dislocation via osteophony.
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Galeazzi Test

The Galeazzi test, sometimes called Allis sign or Skyline test, is used to assess for hip dislocation, specifically testing for developmental dysplasia of the hip.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

ABC of CXR Interpretation

Additional reading from Normal CXRs; Eric Strong Interpretation series; the DRABCDE approach; CXR for the OSCE and of course the Top 150 CXR to try your luck!
Ruling the Resus Room 340

Own the Oxygen!

Keeping your patient oxygenated during rapid sequence intubation has never been easier - with Own the Oxygen

If the lights go out…

If the light on the laryngoscope fails, clean contact between blade and handle, check bulb is screwed in place securely. If this fails, use a spoon
TOP-150-CXR-QUIZ-340 256

DRSABCDE of CXR Interpretation

Chest X-Rays (CXR) are routine investigation in clinical practice and consequently it is important for medical students and clinician’s alike to know how to interpret them. There are many approaches to CXR interpretation, each trying to ensure that key abnormalities are identified and no area is overlooked.
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Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis

The eponym 'Wegener Granulomatosis' has been replaced with the term 'Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA)'. This transition was in part to achieve nomenclature symmetry with Microscopic Polyangiitis (MPA) and Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA, Churg-Strauss); and to remove any historical association with Friedrich Wegener following revelations of his association with the Nazi Party in World War II
Hans Conrad Julius Reiter (1881 – 1969) 340

Hans Reiter

Hans Conrad Julius Reiter (1881-1969) was a German physician and social hygienist. Associated with Reiter Syndrome - known now as Reactive arthritis