Category Medical Specialty
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

The Goggle-eyed Fisherman

A fisherman presents with headache, fevers, left eye pain and swelling and visual disturbance. What is your diagnosis and how will you manage the case?
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

Stressed and branching out

A med student is stressed out by exams and has a painful red and photophobic eye. At least her cold sores have cleared up... Herpes simplex keratitis
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

The Eye In Chemical

A 45 year-old is rushed into the emergency department by the triage nurse. He was working at a building site and got cement into his eyes. How will you assess and manage this case?
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

Blinded By The Light

A man has intense bilateral eye pain and refuses to open his eyes after a day of welding, surfing and lying on a sunbed. What is the diagnosis and emergency management?
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

Pupils And Prostitutes

On examining a patient's eyes you note that the pupils are small, irregular, non-reactive to light and constrict when focused on a near object.
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

Blown out

A 26 year-old man presents with left periorbital swelling and double vision after being hit in the eye by a high-speed squash ball.
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

Eyes Wide Split

What are the considerations in the emergency department diagnosis and management of penetrating eye trauma?