Category Radiology
eponymictionary-340-256 2

Kerley lines

Peter James Kerley first described horizontal lines that he postulated to be peri-vascular lymphatics in patients with mitral stenosis and left ventricular failure
Rigler sign 680 2

Rigler sign

Radiographic sign of pneumoperitoneum. Air in the peritoneum and air within the intraluminal spaces outline the luminal and serosal surfaces of the bowel wall.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Routine Daily Chest X-ray

Routine Daily Chest X-ray: controversial issue; viewed as an essential tool but is subject to overuse and misinterpretation; no evidence of harm from a more restrictive strategy
C. H. Joseph Chang (1929 - 2017) 340

C. H. Joseph Chang

C. H. Joseph Chang (1929 - 2017) was an American radiologist. Chang sign (CXR finding in pulmonary embolus) decribed in 1965
Shigeo Satomura (1919 - 1960) 340

Shigeo Satomura

Shigeo Satomura (1919 - 1960) was a Japanese scientist. Designed and developed the Doppler Cardiograph, blood-rheograph and trasncutaneous flowmeter
Ziro Kaneko (1915 - 1997) 340

Ziro Kaneko

Ziro Kaneko (1915 – 1997) Japanese neuropsychiatrist. Pioneer in the field of Geriatric Psychiatry in Japan. Doppler Flowmeter (1960)
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Contrast Induced Nephropathy

Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is most commonly defined as renal impairment or acute kidney injury occurring within 48 hr of administration of intravascular radiographic contrast material that is not attributable to other causes
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Contrast Agents

OVERVIEW Contrast agents are substances used in medical imaging as to enhance the contrast or the distinction between different tissues. aka contrast medium RADIOGRAPHIC CONTRAST AGENTS Composition Currently available agents contain a tri-iodinated benzene ring (either monomeric or dimeric; ionic…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

ABC of CXR Interpretation

Additional reading from Normal CXRs; Eric Strong Interpretation series; the DRABCDE approach; CXR for the OSCE and of course the Top 150 CXR to try your luck!