Category TOP 100 Ultrasound
Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Ultrasound Case 043

An 58 year old intravenous drug user presents several days after attempting to inject in to the back of his hand. There is a fluctuant red hot swelling over the dorsum of the hand and wrist and you are asked whether this is a tendon sheath collection.
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Ultrasound Case 042

A 70 year old man presented with acute urinary retention. Insertion is difficult and ultrasound is used to ensure the catheter reaches the bladder before it is inflated.
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Ultrasound Case 041

An 83 year old woman with sepsis and acute kidney injury is being managed in your resuscitation area. A urinary catheter has been placed to monitor urine output. After an hour there is no urinary output at all.
Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Ultrasound Case 039

A 62 year old male attended the Emergency Department after tripping on the bottom step whilst ascending a flight of stairs. He has bilateral knee pain and has been unable to walk since the incident.
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Ultrasound Case 038

A 46 year old woman presents with relatively sudden painless visual field loss. She describes preceding flashers and floaters, and then a shadow falling over the medial and central part of her visual field.
Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Ultrasound Case 037

60 y/o man with 3 days suprapubic pain; 'pelvic ache' on urination; suprapubic tenderness and guarding on examination; and leukocytes in the urine. You are considering just treating as a urinary tract infection but the degree of tenderness makes you take a look with ultrasound.
Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Ultrasound Case 036

A 45 year old man falls off his son's skateboard. He describes a sudden pain in the back of his calf and now has some swelling and clinically you suspect Achilles tendon rupture.
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Ultrasound Case 035

Potentially difficult intubation of man with a receding chin and unusual jaw anatomy. You decide to watch the intubation with ultrasound.
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Ultrasound Case 034

A 22 year old man is brought in by ambulance after a rugby injury - he was sandwiched between two players. He is complaining of left lower anterolateral chest pain worse with inspiration.
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Ultrasound Case 033

A 49 year old woman falls off her bike, she is stable and has an abrasion along her right flank. You can feel a mass in the RUQ and perform an EFAST scan.
Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Ultrasound Case 032

A 67 year old man has been unwell for 10 days. He had some right upper quadrant pain, fevers, and then in that last 3 days has had abdominal distension, vomiting and has stopped passing stool or flatus. You suspect bowel obstruction.
Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Ultrasound Case 030

A 31 year old women presents with right lower quadrant pain and nausea. The onset of severe pain was 3 hours ago, whilst she had suffered some mild discomfort in the preceding 48 hours. Past medical history includes endometriosis and ovarian cysts. Inflammatory markers and BHCG are negative (CRP is < 1).