Category Tox Basics
Toxicology Library Tox Tutes 340

Tox Tutes

This is the series of toxicology podcasts covering the most common presentations with world class toxicologists.
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RRSIDEAD • Antidotes

A is for Antidote. Systematic approach to managing toxicological emergency presentations. RRSIDEAD is a useful mnemonic
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RRSIDEAD • Resuscitation

Resuscitation Overview As with any basic and advanced life support it is important to have a systematic approach to managing toxicological emergency presentations. Pioneers in the field developed RRSIDEAD as a mnemonic to remember the key steps in Tox patient…

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Tox Conference Talks

Have a listen to some of the eclectic toxicology lectures from around the world as we manage to catch these speakers in action.
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Tox Tute: Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose

A young male is unconscious and on his way to your hospital. Bystanders confirm he has been depressed and taken an overdose. The paramedics are worried about his ECG..."it looks weird and his QRS is very wide". The following tox tute will guide you through managing this patient.
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12-lead ECG in Toxicology

The 12-lead ECG provides valuable real-time prognostic information that is based on toxic effects at the target organ; often not available from clinical evaluation or serum drug assays.