
Gutenberg’s Grandchild

3D printing is a rapidly evolving area. It is already demonstrating Moore’s Law rates which means it is easy to get left behind as progress marches on.

Gutenberg’s Grandchild is a collective of clinicians in a variety of fields of medicine, from emergency, anaesthetics and ICU to surgery and prehospital medicine who are using 3D printing. None of us have degrees in engineering, industrial design or the computer sciences. We are all clinicians and work on 3D printing in our spare time or as a part of our research agenda. The point being that if any of us can get get started in 3D printing, so can any of you. And who knows where you might take it.

3D Printing for Healthcare

If you have anything that you would like to contribute, if there is something you specifically want to know about or we’ve made an error, please get in contact ([email protected]) or leave a comment and we’ll try to sort it out.

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Gutenberg’s Grandchild