Max Wilms
Karl Maximilian Wilhelm ‘Max’ Wilms (1867-1918) was a German surgeon and pathologist.
Wilms Introduced the partial rib resection used in the treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis. Extensive work in the field of radiology, using radiation therapy for treatment of tumors and tuberculosis.
Eponymously affiliated with Wilms Tumour (nephroblastoma).
In 1899 he produced the monograph Die Mischgeschwülste der Niere which provided a classification for tumours and laid the foundation for modern concepts concerning this group of disorders. He presented a unifying theory that diverse renal tumours originated from embryonic tissue.
- Born 5 November 1867 Hünshoven, Germany
- 1890 – After studying law for a semester he switched to medicine. He completed his doctorate in 1890 at the University of Bonn (Thesis: oesophageal resection)
- 1891 – Assistant to pathologist Eugen Bostroem (1850–1928) in Giessen
- 1891 – Assistant to pathologist Otto Michael Ludwig Leichtenstern (1845–1900) – Institute for Pathology of Cologne
- 1907 – Professor of surgery at Basel
- 1910 – Chair of surgery at the University of Heidelberg.
- 1918 – In May Wilms performed a cricolaryngotomy on a French P.O.W. with a swollen larynx secondary to diphtheria. The French officer survived, but Wilms became infected with the disease, and died a few days later.
- Died 14 May 1918 Heidelberg, Germany
Medical Eponyms
Wilms tumour
As a result of his extensive work involving renal tumours the eponymous name for ‘nephroblastoma’ is Wilms tumour. In 1899 Wilms examined children’s kidney tumours, added seven cases to a thorough review of the literature, and produced what was the definitive work on the subject – Die Mischgeschwülste der Niere.
Max Wilms described seven cases and acknowledged his debt to Birch-Hirschfeld and other predecessors.
- 1814 – Earliest record of Wilms tumour
- 1872 – First convincing histological reports
- 1879 – William Osler published four cases found in the literature plus two of his own. [1880;14(2):229-233]
- 1898 – Felix Victor Birch-Hirschfeld (1842-1899) published a detailed description in Sarkomatöse Drüsengeschwülste der Niere im Kindesalter (Embryonales Adenosarcom)
Wilms operation I – Perineal prostatectomy through a lateral incision (shorter operation, less bleeding)
Key Medical Attributions:
- Introduced the partial rib resection used in the treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis
- Extensive work in the field of radiology, using radiation therapy for treatment of tumors and tuberculosis.
Major Publications
- Wilms M. Uber Resection des Oesophagus, Inaugural-Dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhems-Universitatz u Bonn, Universitats-Buchdruckerei von Carl Georgi, Bonn, 1890.
- Wilms M. Diagnostischer und therapeutischer Werth der Lumbalpunction. Druckbestimmung mit Quecksilbermanometer. Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift 1897;3:53-57
- Wilms M. Die Mischgeschwülste. I. Die Mischgeschwülste der Niere. Leipzig: Von Arthur Georgi; 1899. [Wilms tumour]
- Wilms M. Zur Frage der Gefassverletzungen der Radix Mesenterii. Münchener medizinische wochenschrift 1901;32:1277-1279
- Wilms M. Tragfahige Amputationsstumpfe mit Sehnendeckung. Vcrhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. Dreiunddreissigster Congress abgehalten zu Berlin April 6-9, 1904:136-137
- Wilms M. Der Ileus. Pathologie und Klinik des Darmverschlusses, Stuttgart, 1906
- Wilms M. Die Erfolge der nach meiner Methode ausgefuhrten perinealen Prostatektomien mit seitlichem Schnitt. Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift 1912;47:2548-2550
- Wilms M. Heilen die Rontgenstrahlen die Prostatahypertrophie? Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift 1916;30:1073
- Birch-Hirschfeld FV. Sarkomatöse Drüsengeschwülste der Niere im Kindesalter (Embryonales Adenosarcom). Beiträge zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur allgemeinen Pathologie, 1898, 24: 343-362.
- Osler W. Two cases of striated myo-sarcoma of the kidney. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 1880;14(2):229-233
- Raffensperger J. Max Wilms and his tumor. J Pediatr Surg. 2015 Feb;50(2):356-9. [PMID 25638637]
- Zantinga AR, Coppes MJ. Max Wilms (1867-1918): the man behind the eponym. Med Pediatr Oncol. 1992;20(6):515-8. [PMID 1331729]
- Ellis H: Eponyms in Oncology: Max Wilms (1867-1918). Eur J Surg Oncol 1896;12:31 [PMID 3019781]
- Coppes-Zantingal AR, Coppes MJ. Max Wilms and “Die Mischgeschwülste der Niere”. CMAJ. 1999 April 20; 160(8): 1196. [PMC1230278]
the person behind the name