Minor Injuries a clinical guide

Minor Injuries Clinical Guide

Minor injuries a clinical guide is written by Nurse Educator Dennis Purcell a specialist in minor injury assessment and management in the UK available in kindle edition and paperback edition.

After the success of the first edition, this second edition has grounded itself as one the the core text in the area of minor injuries. Minor injury units run by nurse practitioners is a concept that is well established overseas and starting to take off here with more nurse practitioners making their way into emergency departments around Australia.

The book is very didactic in text and is supplemented well with images and illustrations. The book focuses strongly on the anatomy and physiology and the clinical assessment of the minor injury patient in great detail.

Minor Injuries is broken up into three different parts with part one; focusing on general issues and the paediatric patient, part two; looks looks extensively at musculoskeletal injuries, and part three; covers all other minor injuries and wound care. Each chapter starts off reviewing the anatomy and physiology of the particular area of the body, then looks into the clinical examination in detail, and finishes off with a review on the assessment and management of common conditions encountered in daily practice.

Each chapter is well supported with superb illustrations of the anatomy of each area of the body covered. These illustrations are clear, concise and well labeled making reading and learning easy. The book also contains photos demonstrating examination techniques, and gives you online access to videos demonstrating examination techniques that are of high resolution and quality for your viewing pleasure

Key Features:

  • Practical manual, with supporting video
  • Demonstrates basic examination techniques
  • Illustrations link anatomy with the examination processes
  • Clear explanation of underlying anatomical and physiological processes behind injury
  • Explains how to manage common injuries
  • Accesible to the non-specialist
  • Video demonstrates basic examination processes, making them easier to grasp
  • Illustrations combine anatomy and examination to show how parts work and how to examine them – now with added colour
  • New photographs throughout, linking to the video demonstration
  • Video showing examination of every hand muscle helps master this particularly complex area
  • More detail on the core clinical areas of sports injuries in children, musculoskeletal presentations, and head, neck and back injuries

A downfall of this book is a lack of clinical images, it doesn’t contain any X-ray, CT or ultrasound images to support any of the conditions listed in the text. I feel it should also include the fundamental concepts of basic X-ray reading and interpretation for this to be a truly comprehensive text on minor injuries. The book provides an excellent study guide for emergency nurse practitioner candidates to consolidate and learn the essential concepts, however its use in the clinical setting is limited due to its lengthy text on each concept, making easy referring to difficult.

This book although targeted at nurse practitioners and nurses working in minor injury units, I feel it will be a great resource and read for any medical students, or junior doctors that are planning a rotation through the emergency department or minor injury unit. Overall this text is a comprehensive review of minor injuries, and I would strongly recommend reading it to anyone with an interest in the assessment and management of minor injuries.

Book Reviews

from the Fast Lane

Emergency nurse with ultra-keen interest in the realms of toxicology, sepsis, eLearning and the management of critical care in the Emergency Department | LinkedIn |

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