CODA Change

Coda was born with one goal in mind: to take discussion and turn it into action. This extends to creating engaging clinical content but also to tackling broader issues that threaten global health.  

Founded by the same team that created the SMACC worldwide conference series, Coda is a global community of healthcare professionals dedicated to improving clinical education.

Coda however, will go one step further than SMACC, by crafting actions to mitigate threats to global health. Be a part of the change, as we strive for a healthier world.

We are proud to have released 700+ clinical podcasts which have identified countless areas for improvement in our practice. It is time to implement solutions to drive real-world change. 

Coda is a community tackling the most urgent healthcare challenges, that need action, now. Join the Coda community or online on Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; or Linkedin

CODA Conferences

CODA22: Melbourne from 3-6 April 2022, will be an unparalleled healthcare event guaranteed to inspire your practice

All the SMACC Talks from 2019 in a searchable database. Search by keyword, category, speaker or title to explore the 150+ presentations. Search by Category: