Tag Hugh Montgomery
SMACC 2019 green community advocacy 340

Panel discussion QANDA

Professor Owler discusses his experience in his various roles to achieve successful outcomes both in terms of health policy as well as legislative changes. He will discuss the role of doctors in this process and how to interact with government, media and stakeholders to achieve better outcomes for patients and the community.
SMACC 2019 red clinical critical care 340

Fat, Feed and Futility

Muscle wasting in intensive care is the thief of future health. Hugh Montgomery shows us what a big issue this is and what can be done to mitigate the problem.
Mastering-Intensive-Care MIC 340

Mastering Intensive Care 049 with Hugh Montgomery

British intensivist, Professor Hugh Montgomery, a deeply passionate and highly intelligent man, who was a founding member of the UK Climate and Health Council, and who has helped raise awareness about climate change for over 2 decades.