A 30-year-old female is brought into emergency following a high speed motor vehicle accident (MVA). She required intubation on scene with her GCS falling rapidly from 13 to 8.
A 16-year-old male presents to ED following a fall during rugby game. He landed heavily on his left shoulder, experiencing sudden severe pain and a popping sensation at his medial clavicle
Golden S sign. Radiological sign which should raise suspicion of bronchial carcinoma. Rss Golden first described a characteristic reverse S-shaped shadow in the right upper lobe in 1925
A 34-year-old man is brought into ED one hour after a 4m fall from a roof. He had a brief loss of consciousness immediately following the fall, then subsequently regained consciousness.
A 50yo female with a past history of bipolar disorder, on lithium, referred to ED from outpatient clinic due to precipitous Hb drop. Hb in the 60s (from baseline of 100).