Misplacement of V1 and V2Misplacement of V1 and V2: Don’t let this mistake mess up your ECG interpretation! Manifesting with P wave, Q wave, T wave changes and Brugada II patternBrooks Walsh, MDSeptember 17, 2020
Biatrial EnlargementBiatrial enlargement is diagnosed when criteria for both right and left atrial enlargement are present on the same ECG - EKG Library LITFLEd Burns and Robert ButtnerAugust 1, 2020
Right Atrial EnlargementBrief description of right atrial enlargement (P pulmonale) including ECG criteria for diagnosis and list of causes - EKG Library LITFLEd Burns and Robert ButtnerAugust 1, 2020
Left Atrial EnlargementReview of the EKG features of left atrial enlargement (LAE) aka Left atrial hypertrophy (LAH) - ECG Library LITFL. P mitraleEd Burns and Robert ButtnerAugust 1, 2020
MI LocalizationST depression from subendocardial ischemia does not localise... look for a reciprocal STEMI! ECG anatomy correlation MI localizationTor ErcleveAugust 1, 2018