Tag Microbial Mystery
Microbial Mystery LITFL FB 340

Escaping bugs

A 13-year old female with pyelonephritis is being treated with ceftriaxone. Enterobacter cloacae is cultured. Got a problem with that?
Microbial Mystery LITFL FB 340

Fever in a spinal patient

A woman had a spinal injury from a car crash at 2 years of age; she since had spinal surgery and has a baclofen pump. Now she has a fever - what's the cause?
Microbial Mystery LITFL FB 340

CAP Challenge!

Australia CAP - 'Microbial Mystery' of case-based Q&As focusing on causative organisms and antibiotic selection.
Microbial Mystery LITFL FB 340

Gram Negative Diplococci

21 year-old presenting to the emergency department with fevers and agitation. His lumbar puncture confirms Gram Negative Diplococci