Tag Night-shift

To the Nightshift ED Doctor

It's four in the morning. It's been a long night... I know, believe me. But before you discharge the 60 year-old man who came in gasping for air a few hours earlier, take the time to consider a few things.

Night shift and paying it forward

Tom survived. After five days on ECMO, another seven ventilated and a total of three weeks in hospital, we strapped our tiny bundle into his capsule and, driving slowly and carefully, took him home. I don't mind working night shift anymore...
FACEMs at Night 340

FACEMs at Night: An American Perspective

This is the first of two perspectives on whether FACEMs should work night night shifts, for the second, see Michelle Johnston’s ‘FACEMs at Night: A Mattress Stuffed with Flaw‘. My father, an active general surgeon who has been in practice…

FACEMs at Night 340

FACEMs at Night: A Mattress Stuffed with Flaw

This is the second of two perspectives on whether FACEMs should work night night shifts, for the first, see Anand Swaminathan’s ‘FACEMs at Night: An American Perspective‘. Let us take ourselves one fact. One, simple, undeniable fact. One cannot, after all,…