Tag Ventilation
Network Five Journal Club Podcast 340

Network Five: Critical Care

Network Five Emergency Medicine Journal Club Episode 21 - Critical Care reviewing papers on cardiogenic shock, intravenous fluids in sepsis and lung protective ventilation strategies.
Edward Thomas (Ted) Both (1908-1987) 680

Edward Both

Edward Thomas (Ted) Both (1908-1987) was an Australian engineer, known as the ‘Edison of Australia’. Invented the Both respirator and Both electrocardiograph among many others
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

ARDSnet Ventilation Strategy

ARDSnet Ventilation Strategy: Note that the definitions below have recently been revised - however they are included here as they were used in the ARDSNet trial.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Electrical Impedance Tomography

Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a noninvasive, radiation-free monitoring tool that allows real-time imaging of ventilation EIT has medium spatial resolution and a very high temporal resolution
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Selective Lung Ventilation

Selective Lung Ventilation involves the isolation of one lung from the other allowing independent ventilation. Usually performed with a double lumen tube (DLT); alternatives are the use of a univent tube or an endobronchial blocker
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Modes of Ventilation

Modes of Ventilation. Classification based on the following: Initiation; Cycle; Limit; and Pressure Regulated Volume Control
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Prone Position and Mechanical Ventilation

Reviewed and revised 19 May 2014 OVERVIEW Prone positioning can be used in mechanically ventilated patients with severe hypoxic respiratory failure to optimise oxygenation Refer to Prone Positioning for Hypoxic Respiratory Failure on INTENSIVE for the Alfred ICU guideline, cognitive…