Category CCC
The LITFL Critical Care Compendium is a comprehensive collection of pages concisely covering the core topics and controversies of critical care.

Metabolic Mayhem a Headache

Waxing and Waning Weakness

Could it be renal colic?
Does Antivenom Work?
The Use of Thrombolysis as a Treatment for Acute Stroke
Why we should be very wary of using clotbusting drugs to treat acute strokes
This is Part 1 of three posts a basic overview of thrombolysis in stroke a detailed overview of evidence based research into thrombolysis and CVA Schrödinger’s Fence Author: Prof Daniel Fatovich Let’s compare the treatment of strokes, to the treatment of…
Near-infrared spectroscopy
OVERVIEW Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) NIRS is a non-invasive monitor of cerebral oxygenation. It is attracting a lot of interest currently but remains to be validated for use in guiding therapy or inferring prognosis in TBI…. References LITFL Nickson C. Bullet…
Cricoid: To Press or Not to Press?
Just in case you still thought cricoid pressure was a good idea, listen John Hinds at smaccGOLD. Hinds was an anaesthetist, intensivist and a motorcycle-riding prehospital resuscitationist based in Northern Ireland. In this debate he will tell you about ‘cricolol‘.…
Is it really all about the glycocalyx?
Intralipid – myth or miracle?
Intralipid is one of the most exciting recent developments in clinical toxicology (right up there with high-dose insulin euglycemic therapy, aka HIET). We are rightly skeptical of any new therapy, especially one that promises so much. Nevertheless, many of the…
an abominable airway…
the case. a 28 year old male presents to your Emergency Department with a 2-3 week history of increasing neck swelling. He is now spitting out frank purulent discharge from his mouth and reports fevers and night sweats.