Category CCC

The LITFL Critical Care Compendium is a comprehensive collection of pages concisely covering the core topics and controversies of critical care.

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Exercise Associated Hyponatraemia

A recent coroner’s finding about the death of a Tasmanian bushwalker has reinforced the need for awareness of Exercise Associated Hyponatraemia, particularly in those participating in prolonged exercise and ultra-endurance events.   What is EAH? What causes EAH? Exercise associated…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Collective (In)Competence

Communication researcher Lorelei Lingard shows how competent individuals form incompetent teams when communication fails and why this happens.

Mind the gap…

the case. a 29-year old female with a past history of anorexia nervosa, polycystic ovarian syndrome, chronic back pain and analgesic abuse presents to the Emergency Department.  She describes 3 days of bilateral ankle and facial swelling.  She tells you…

a knackered neonate…

the case. You are working in a district hospital and are called to the Special-Care Nursery to assist with an unwell newborn infant. She was born 2 hours ago at 39 + 4 weeks gestation, to a primip mother who…

better late than never…

The case. An obese 86 year old female is bought to ED by private car with a 5-6 day history of progressive dyspnoea and fevers. She is promptly rushed into the resus bay in extremis with cyanosis & poor respiratory…

a swollen face…

The Case. A 36 year old male presents through your sub-acute area with increasing facial pain & swelling. He reports a simple trip and fall 18 hours earlier (no alcohol on board, recalls all events), where his right cheek struck…

an obscure acidosis…

The Case. 64 year old male attends your ED with a complaint for 3 months of progressive weakness, however over the past 7 days he has had multiples falls secondary to his ‘legs just completely giving way’.  You note on…

a difficult airway…

The Case. The ‘Batphone’ alerted us of a 68 year old female who is postictal following two seizures in rapid succession. She has a history of ‘a brain tumour’. P 120. BP 176 systolic !! GCS 8 Afebrile. Sats 98%…

just a tablespoon…

This is the story of a 59 year old man who presented to our ED with a complaint of haemoptysis. He is otherwise well, takes no regular medications and besides his ’50 per day’ smoking history (over 40-odd years) he…