CICM SAQ 2015.1 Q5
You are supervising a registrar who suffers a needle stick injury during the insertion of a central line in a patient with a history of intravenous drug use. Outline your approach to this problem.
Question 12. A 68 year old man had both legs trapped under a heavy concrete slab for 4 hours. He has just been admitted to the ICU, 8 hours post injury, following adequate resuscitation and definitive operative wound debridement. His…
Questions 17.1. Outline four (4) causes for the capnograph trace (shown below) obtained from a critically ill patient. 17.2. Examine the data provided from a co-oximeter and a simultaneous pulse oximeter recording from patient A and B. List three (3)…
Question a) What is the tube in the image above used for? (10% marks) b) Describe the steps for insertion of this tube. (40% marks) c) What are the contraindications for its insertion? (20% marks) d) What are the complications…