Category Examinations
CICM Exam Library 340

CICM SAQ 2012.1 Q1

Outline the Intensive Care management of a 25-year-old male who has fulfilled brain death criteria and is awaiting surgery for organ donation.
CICM Exam Library 340

CICM SAQ 2011.2 Q13

You are asked to admit a 46-year-old man who has just been intubated in the Emergency Department after collapsing from what appears clinically to be a brain stem stroke. His Glasgow Coma Score prior to intubation was 6.
CICM Exam Library 340

CICM SAQ 2012.2 Q12

The following is the haemtological profile of a 22-year-old previously healthy female admitted to ICU with community acquired pneumonia
CICM Exam Library 340

CICM SAQ 2010.2 Q29

A 16 year old female is admitted to the ICU following a multiple drug overdose. Outline the role of activated charcoal in the management of drug overdose.
CICM Exam Library 340

CICM SAQ 2013.1 Q5

One of the serious complications of aneurysmal sub-arachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is Delayed Cerebral Ischaemia (DCI). Briefly discuss DCI, including in your answer its assessment and management with reference to accepted and postulated strategies.
CICM Exam Library 340

CICM SAQ 2014.1 Q8

List the determinants of central venous pressure (CVP) and Discuss the role of CVP monitoring in the critically ill.
CICM Exam Library 340

CICM SAQ 2010.2 Q27

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various biomarkers that can be used to diagnose patients with acute myocardial infarction?
CICM Exam Library 340

CICM SAQ 2013.2 Q15

Questions 15.1 For each of the microbes listed below, list the most appropriate antibiotic(s) for treatment of infection resulting from these organisms: a) Candida glabratab) Clostridum perfringensc) Listeria monocytogenesd) Neisseria meningitidese) Multi-resistant Acinetobacterf) Nocardiag) Penicillin-intermediate pneumococcush) Vancomycin-resistantenterococcus 15.2 Briefly outline…

CICM Exam Library 340

CICM SAQ 2012.2 Q13

List the techniques / measurements that are available to assess the circulation status of a patient in the intensive care unit.