Category Examinations
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Postpartum depression

OSCE 16: Postpartum Depression. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Clinical teaching

OSCE 15: VBG Teaching. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Medical Error

OSCE 14: Medical Error. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Patient Complaint

OSCE 11: Patient Complaint. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Paediatric Iron Overdose

OSCE 10: Paediatric Iron Overdose. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Overdose Advice

OSCE 9: Overdose Advice. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Early pregnancy discussion

OSCE 8: Early pregnancy discussion. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Breaking Bad News – ICH

OSCE 18: Breaking Bad News (ICH). OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Breaking Bad News – AAA

OSCE 7: Breaking bad news - AAA. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Non-accidental injury

OSCE 17: Non-accidental injury (NAI). OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Impaired Colleague

OSCE 12: Impaired Colleague. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Paediatric Consent

OSCE 13: Paediatric Consent. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.