Category Eponymictionary
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Paget-Schroetter Syndrome

Primary thrombosis of the subclavian vein at the costoclavicular junction. The formation of an axillo-subclavian vein thrombosis results from endothelial trauma, often as a result of repetitive activity of the upper limbs.
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Faget Sign

Faget Sign: Relative bradycardia in association with fever (Temperature-pulse dissociation). Originally described by Jean-Charles Faget in patients with yellow fever (1859)
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Liebermeister rule

Liebermeister rule: Defining the relationship between pulse frequency and body temperature in fever. Carl von Liebermeister (1833 - 1901)
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Peyronie’s disease

Description Lapeyronie disease History 1561 – There are myriad potential 16th century descriptions of Peyronie’s disease brilliantly reviewed by Musitelli, et al. They conclude that Gabriele Falloppio (1523 – 1562) provided the only potential description of Peyronie’s as palpable scar…

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Thomas test

Thomas test is a physical examination test, first described in 1875 by the Welsh bonesetter Hugh Owen Thomas (1834–1891)
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Seldinger Technique

Seldinger Technique a technique for safe percutaneous access to vessels and hollow organs that is widely used today. Sven Ivar Seldinger (1921 – 1998)
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Kartagener syndrome

1933 – Kartagener described the syndrome of situs inversus, chronic rhinosinusitis, and chronic bronchitis with bronchiectasis
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Löffler syndrome

Löffler (Loeffler) syndrome is a transient, self-limiting, and benign pulmonary eosinophilia, characterised by pulmonary opacities on X-ray, elevated blood eosinophils and an acute onset of potential symptoms of mainly cough and dyspnoea.
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Sutton’s Law

Sutton's law: When making a diagnosis one should first consider the obvious, and conduct tests which could confirm/ rule out the most likely diagnosis.
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Osler node

Osler node: Painful, red, raised lesions usually found on the palms and soles. Caused by immune complex deposition and the resulting inflammatory response.
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Kerley lines

Peter James Kerley first described horizontal lines that he postulated to be peri-vascular lymphatics in patients with mitral stenosis and left ventricular failure