Category Eponymictionary
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Mirizzi syndrome

Mirizzi syndrome or extrinsic biliary compression syndrome, is a rare complication of cholelithiasis. Mirizzi syndrome is characterised by obstruction of the common bile duct (CBD), secondary to mechanical compression caused by the impaction of one or multiple gallstones in the neck of the gallbladder or cystic duct

Chilaiditi syndrome

Chilaiditi syndrome: symptomatic hepatodiaphragmatic interposition associated with abdominal pain, nocturnal vomiting, anorexia, and abdominal distension.
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Monro-Kellie doctrine

The Monro-Kellie doctrine or hypothesis states that the sum of volumes of brain, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and intracerebral blood is constant. An increase in one should cause a reciprocal decrease in either one or both of the remaining two.
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Weigert-Meyer rule

Weigert (1877) and later Meyer (1907) recognized that the disposition of the ectopic orifice to lie caudal and medial to the orthoptic orifice was almost universal in cases of ureteral duplication. Weigert-Meyer Law.
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Saint’s Triad

Saint’s Triad is the association of hiatal hernia, gallbladder disease, and diverticulosis in patients with atypical abdominal symptoms. Termed by British surgeon Professor Charles Frederick Morris Saint

Marcus Gunn Pupil

Description Marcus Gunn Pupil: (AKA relative afferent pupillary defect or RAPD) A pupil that responds by constricting more to an indirect than to a direct light, seen with unilateral optic nerve or retinal disease, History 1902 First description by Robert…

Adie syndrome

Holmes-Adie syndrome (aka Adie syndrome) affects the autonomic nervous system. Patients present with the pupil of one eye being larger and only slowly constricts in bright light (tonic pupil). There is also absence of deep tendon reflexes, usually the Achilles tendon.

Kayser-Fleischer Ring

Description What is the actual eponymous medical sign/syndrome/repair/classification… History 1902 Kayser 1903 – Fleischer description in the same journal, a year after Kayser. His contribution went beyond that of Kayser, he recognised that the ring was a marker for a…

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Lasègue test

Description What is the actual eponymous medical sign/syndrome/repair/classification… History 1864 Lasègue  1880 Lazarević 1881 J. J. Forst the patient is placed on the bed in supine position, and we take the foot of the affected limb in one hand… holding…

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Auenbrugger Bone Sign

Auenbrugger Bone sign (more commonly known as Heuter sign) may be used to define the presence of upper limb fracture or dislocation via osteophony.
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Galeazzi Test

The Galeazzi test, sometimes called Allis sign or Skyline test, is used to assess for hip dislocation, specifically testing for developmental dysplasia of the hip.
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Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis

The eponym 'Wegener Granulomatosis' has been replaced with the term 'Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA)'. This transition was in part to achieve nomenclature symmetry with Microscopic Polyangiitis (MPA) and Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA, Churg-Strauss); and to remove any historical association with Friedrich Wegener following revelations of his association with the Nazi Party in World War II