Category Medical Specialty
Ruling the Resus Room 340

Does Roc rock? Does Sux suck?

So, what are you gonna use for this rapid sequence intubation --- roc or sux? Can you answer the hard questions to determine once and for all, whether roc rocks and sux sucks or if it should be the other way around?

Plaster slab

Fracture immbolization and complication. Review of the potential complications following application of a forearm plaster cast
Francis John Shepherd (1851-1929) 340

Francis J Shepherd

Francis J. Shepherd (1851-1929) British/Canadian Surgeon eponymously associated with Shepherd's Fracture - lateral tubercle of the posterior talar process
Carl-Axel Cedell (1932-2021) 680

Carl-Axel Cedell

Carl-Axel Cedell (1932-2021) Swedish Orthopaedic Surgeon. Eponymously affiliated with the Cedell fracture - medial tubercle of the posterior talar process
Hugh Owen Thomas (1834 – 1891) 340

Hugh Owen Thomas

Hugh Owen Thomas (1834-1891) was a Welsh Orthopaedic Surgeon. Thomas knee splint (1865); Thomas Test and Thomas wrench for bonesetting
Eduard-Heinrich-Henoch-1820-1910 340

Eduard Heinrich Henoch

Eduard Heinrich Henoch (1820 – 1910) was a German Paediatrician. Student of Johann Lukas Schönlein, he extended the clinical features of childhood purpura and is eponymously affiliated with Henoch-Schönlein Purpura