Category Pediatrics

Thomas Cooley

Thomas Benton Cooley (1871 - 1945) was an American pediatrician and haematologist. Cooley Anemia (1925) [Thalassemia major]

Oskar Kobyliński

Carl Oscar Alexander von Kobyliński (1856 - 1926) was a Polish-Baltic German general practitioner. First description of Noonan syndrome (1893)

Henry Turner

Henry Hubert Turner (1892 - 1970) was an American endocrinologist. Remembered for Turner syndrome and description in 1938
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Ebstein anomoly

Description What is the actual eponymous medical sign/syndrome/repair/classification… History Associated Persons Wilhelm Ebstein (1836 – 1912) Alternative names Name Name Controversies Did they first describe or popularise or plagiarise? References Ebstein W. Über einen sehr seltenen Fall von Insufficienz der Valvula…

Otto Gerhard Karl Sprengel (1852 – 1915) 340

Otto Sprengel

Otto Gerhard Karl Sprengel (1852 - 1915) was a German surgeon. Remembered fro his description of Sprengel deformity (1891) and appendicitis work (1906)