Psychiatric illnesses remain among the most mysterious maladies that doctors encounter. This enthralling TED talk by inspiring medical historian and surgeon Sherwin Nuland gives a detailed account of one man's illness.
Cotard syndrome: A rare condition characterized by nihilistic delusions, where a patient believes that they are dead, have missing organs, or have decaying or failing body parts.
The stress and trauma associated with what you do is real and it affects how you perform. Jannie Geertsema chats Jellybean style about Abnormal Treatment Behaviour
Jean-Pierre Falret (1794 - 1870) was a French psychiatrist. Falret studied depression and suicide for 32 years and recorded cycles of depression and of elation which he named maladie circulaire and which is more commonly termed bipolar disorder
Jules Philippe Falret (1824 - 1902) was a French psychiatrist. 1877, along with Ernest-Charles Lasègue (1816-1883) first described the concept of Folie à deux, initially termed Lasègue-Falret syndrome.