Category Trauma

Friedrich Trendelenburg

Biography Born May 24, 1844 in Berlin, Germany the son of the famous German philosopher Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg (1802-1872) 1861 – his father thought him not yet ready to enter university, and sent him to Edinburgh to teach German to…


100 Years from ANZAC Cove

Today, ANZAC Day, represents the 100 year anniversary of the entry of Australia and New Zealand into the battle of the Great War.  In many ways, it defined our nationhood and marked the time in history where our two nations…

William Henry Battle (1855 – 1936) 340

William Henry Battle

William Henry Battle (1855–1936) English surgeon. Battle sign, postauricular (mastoid) ecchymosis fracture of the base of the skull (BOS).
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Massive Transfusion Protocol

Reviewed and revised 10 March 2014 OVERVIEW Massive transfusion is defined as A Massive Transfusion Protocol should be used in critically bleeding patients anticipated to require massive transfusion GOALS IN MANAGEMENT OF MASSIVE TRANSFUSION THERAPY INDICATIONS IN MASSIVE TRANSFUSION MASSIVE TRANSFUSION…

CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Acute Coagulopathy of Trauma

new terms that are in vogue are trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC) and acute traumatic coagulopathy (ATC) - not simply a 'dilutional coagulopathy' or 'consumptive coagulopathy'!
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Refractory Shock in Trauma

Refractory shock in trauma is still most likely due to occult ongoing haemorrhage; shock may be due to the underlying cause of trauma e.g. MI leading to car crash