CXR Case 007
45 year old male presents confused and hypoxaemic Describe and interpret this CXR
45 year old male presents confused and hypoxaemic Describe and interpret this CXR
74 yo male ex-smoker presents with worsening breathlessness Describe and interpret this CXR
An 18 yo male presents with fevers, productive cough with fresh haemoptysis, and wheeze. He has a background history of frequent chest infections as a child and teenager. Describe and interpret this CXR
A 60 yo man is intubated in ED having presented by ambulance profoundly hypoxaemic in respiratory distress Describe and interpret this CXR
55 yo lady presents with worsening chronic cough and wheeze Describe and interpret this CXR and CT
44 yo man has routine CXR after possible faint Describe and interpret this CXR