Category TOP 150 CXR
CXR Case 150
CXR Case 149
77 year old male presents with central chest pain. Describe and interpret this CXR
CXR Case 148
CXR Case 147
CXR Case 146
A 75 year old lady presents with worsening cough. Describe and interpret this CXR
CXR Case 145
Motor vehicle accident, driver of car vs. tree. Male. Severe respiratory distress on scene – presumed tension pneumothorax on left decompressed with a 14G cannula and intubated on scene. Describe and interpret this CXR
CXR Case 144
A 78 year old lady is admitted from gastroenterology clinic with worsening productive cough. What procedures has she had? Describe and interpret this CXR
CXR Case 143
70 year old man admitted from respiratory clinic with cough and dyspnoea. Describe and interpret this CXR
CXR Case 142
75 year old female admitted for investigation of weight loss and dysphagia. CXR requested after patient developed a worsening cough following an investigative procedure. Describe and interpret this CXR – what investigation has been performed?
CXR Case 141
A 60 year old lady with COPD and bronchiectasis presents with severe abdominal pain and breathlessness. RR 22, BP 102/62, P 110, SpO2 96% on air. click images to enlarge Describe and interpret this CXR
CXR Case 140
A 39 yo lady is sewing and frees her had to answer her phone by placing a needle between her lips. On being told some humorous news she inhales sharply… click images to enlarge Describe and interpret this CXR