CXR Case 061
A 67 year old man presents with worsening breathlessness and cough unresponsive to antibiotics
Describe and interpret this CXR
There is deviation of the trachea to the right and a raised right hilum with associated right upper lobe collapse.
The right heart border is lost indicating right middle lobe collapse.
There is resultant volume loss in the right hemithorax.
There are multiple rounded opacitites in both lung fields, the largest in the right upper lobe.
This is metastatic lung cancer.
Dependent on the duration of symptoms and CT appearances, extrinsic collapse of lobar bronchi can be treated with endobronchial stents and endobronchial lesions with laser or cryotherapy.
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy continue to have a key role.
Prof Fraser Brims Curtin Medical School, acute and respiratory medicine specialist, immediate care in sport doc, ex-Royal Navy, academic| Top 100 CXR | Google Scholar | ICIS Course ANZ
The distal left clavicle look pretty concerning for a met.