TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340
CXR Case 035

A 21 yo man living in sheltered accommodation presents with fever, malaise and productive cough. He has a history of IV drug use, but has not used within the last 4 weeks. Blood tests reveal raised inflammatory markers. Describe and…

TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340
CXR Case 034

A 54 yo man presents hypoxaemic with worsening of a long standing productive cough and low grade fever. He stopped smoking 20 years ago. click images to enlarge Describe and interpret this AP and Lateral CXR

TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340
CXR Case 033

A 48 year old man is referred from the Chest Clinic with worsening breathlessness. SpO2 on air 85%, RR 18 Describe and interpret this CXR