Hypokalaemia causes typical ECG changes of widespread ST depression, T wave inversion, and prominent U waves, predisposing to malignant ventricular arrhythmias
Isolated low serum Mg levels are associated with atrial depolarisation and ventricular repolarisation abnormalities, predisposing to ventricular arrhythmias
51 yr old female who presented with chronic vomiting. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Her medications include sotalol and rivaroxaban.
Hypokalaemic Periodic Paralysis; rare channelopathy; muscle weakness/paralysis with a matching fall in K+ levels; starts in adolescence; weakness may be mild -> full body paralysis
It’s a busy night shift in the ED (as always) and one of the Interns comes to present a case to you. He’s seen a 23 yr old female who has presented with lethargy and weakness. While you're listening to the Intern your phone rings — it's the lab calling to tell you the patient’s potassium is 1.9 mmol/L.