Tag medical error
EXAM Library 340

OSCE: Medical Error

OSCE 14: Medical Error. OSCEs done by recent fellows at a high level to provide an example of a good pass and additional advice on providing a framework to answer the scenarios.

The victim of medical mistakes

Mary Ellen Mannix’s life was turned upside down when her baby, James, died while in the care of a hospital in the US.  In this piece, she talks to me frankly and openly about her experience.

The doctor who exposed his own error

Rather than hiding in shame from his mistakes, Bryan Bledsoe went public to tell the world about his error. Here, he tells me about the reasons behind that decision, and the consequences it has had for his career.

Extinguishing Medical Errors with Oil and Gas

Unfortunately for patients and healthcare workers alike, medical errors happen. No matter how well-trained and experienced the practitioner, underneath the scrubs there still resides a human and errors will follow. However, systems can be put in place to minimise them…

to err is human 340 256 2


You are handed over a patient by a colleague (that's a 'handoff' to you Yanks)... He says he would usually send a patient like this home, but as the d-dimer is pending he suggests the patient should wait for the result.
The Other Type of Swiss Cheese

The Other Type of Swiss Cheese

There are a hundred ways I could begin this piece. I don’t know which is best. I have tossed the introduction up and around until it’s lost its sharp angry edges, but then it doesn’t lie down on the page…