Tag pulmonary oedema

Peter Kerley

Sir Peter James Kerley (1900-1979) was an Irish radiologist. Kerley was widely published including describing (but not naming) his eponymous lines firstly in 1933 and then in again his textbook in 1950, and widely about TB diagnosis. Kerley lines A, B and C
eponymictionary-340-256 2

Kerley lines

Peter James Kerley first described horizontal lines that he postulated to be peri-vascular lymphatics in patients with mitral stenosis and left ventricular failure
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Negative Pressure Pulmonary Oedema

Negative pressure pulmonary edema (NPPE) is a form of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema (PE) that results from the generation of high negative intrathoracic pressure (NIP) needed to overcome upper airway obstruction
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Neurogenic pulmonary oedema

Neurogenic pulmonary edema (NPE) is a clinical syndrome characterized by the acute onset of pulmonary edema following a significant central nervous system (CNS) insult
Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Pulmonary Oedema Case 1

It is 8am and a 72 year old male is brought in by the paramedics. The patient is sitting upright, sweaty, and in severe respiratory distress.
Oncological Quandary 340

Pulmonary Re-expansion

A 45 year old woman with metastatic ovarian cancer is admitted for VATS pleurodesis and drainage of bilateral pleural effusions.
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 111

A 55 year old man is transferred to emergency following a collapse at a sporting event. Describe and interpret this Chest X-ray. Top 150 CXR
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 110

An 86 year old lady is admitted breathless, hypoxaemic and hypotensive with a systolic of 95mmHg. CCF, APO, cardiogenic pulmonary oedema