Bankart Lesion
Antero-inferior detachment of the glenoid labrum, commonly (85-97%) associated with first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocations.
Bankart lesion is often associated with the Hill-Sachs lesion due to their common mechanism of injury. Bankart Lesion may involve the labrum only (“soft Bankart“), or involve the glenoid bone itself (“bony Bankart”).
- The soft tissue Bankart lesion involves injury to the anterior or anteroinferior glenoid labrum, the fibrocartilagenous structure that surrounds and deepens the bony glenoid.
- An osseous or bony Bankart lesion (a, b) is a fracture of the anterior-inferior glenoid cortical rim on which the labrum rests
- Like the Hill-Sachs lesion, a Bankart lesion may result in anterior shoulder joint instability and recurrent dislocations.
History of the Bankart Lesion
1890 – Broca and Hartmann gave a good description of the lesion, but their work was neglected. [5, serie IV, 312-336. June 1890]
1906 – Perthes recognised that the inferior glenoid fracture with detachment of the labrum caused instability of the shoulder and emphasized reattachment of the labrum to stabilize the joint.
Die operative Behandlung der rezidivierenden Schultergelenksluxation ist noch kein abgeschlossenes Kapitel der Chirurgie…Bedeutungsvoller scheint mir vielmehr in einer gewissen Gruppe von Fällen der Abriß der am Tuberculum majus inserierenden Muskeln, und in einer anderen der Abriß des Labrum glenoidale am inneren Pfannenrande. Die Rücksicht auf diese pathologischen Veränderungen führte mich dazu, in zwei Fällen die verloren gegangene Insertion der Muskeln am Tuberculum majus wiederherzustellen, in einem weiteren Fall die am inneren Pfannenrand abgesprengte Gelenklippe wieder zu befestigen, während in einem vierten Falle nur die Verkleinerung und Verstärkung der erweiterten und erschlafften Kapsel ausgeführt wurde.
The operative treatment of recurrent shoulder subluxations is still no concluded chapter in surgery…Of greater significance it would seem to me, is in a certain group of cases the tearing of the muscles inserting on the major tubercle, and in another group, the tearing of the glenoid labrum on the inner glenoid fossa. The consideration of these pathological changes led me to reconstruct the lost insertion point of the muscles on the major tubercle in two cases, in a further case to reattach the labrum to the glenoid, whilst in a fourth only the reduction and reinforcement of the enlarged and loosened capsule was performed
Perthes, 1906; 85: 199-227
1923 – It is largely due to Bankart’s emphasis that the defect has become widely known [Br Med J 1923; 2: 1132-3].
Associated Persons
- Auguste Broca (1859-1924)
- Henri Hartmann (1860-1952)
- Georg Clemens Perthes (1869–1927)
- Arthur Sidney Blundell Bankart (1879-1951)
Alternative names
- Bankart fracture; Bankart lesion
Original articles
- Broca A, Hartman H. Contribution à l’étude des luxations de l’épaule (luxations anciennes, luxations recidivantes). Bulletins de La Société Anatomique de Paris 5, serie IV, 312-336. June 1890.
- Perthes G. Über Operationen bei habitueller Schulterluxation. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie. 1906; 85: 199-227.
- Bankart ASB. Recurrent or habitual dislocation of the shoulder joint. Br Med J. 1923 Dec 15; 2(3285): 1132–1133.
- Bankart ASB. Manipulative surgery, Oxford University Press, 1932. [Full Text]
- Bankart ASB. The pathology and treatment of recurrent dislocation of the shoulder. British Journal of Surgery 1938 26: 23-39.
Review articles
- Dickson JW. Bankart’s operation for recurrent dislocations of the shoulder. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Vol. 39 B, 1. 1957
- Wong PK, Hanna TN, Shuaib W, Sanders SM, Khosa F. What’s in a name? Upper extremity fracture eponyms (Part 1) Int J Emerg Med. 2015; 8: 27.
- Iqbal S, Jacobs U, Akhtar A, Macfarlane RJ, Waseem M. A History of Shoulder Surgery. Open Orthop J. 2013; 7: 305–309
- Sheehan SE, Gaviola G, Gordon R, Sacks A, Shi LL, Smith SE. Traumatic shoulder injuries: a force mechanism analysis-glenohumeral dislocation and instability. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2013 Aug;201(2):378-93
- Vande Berg B, Omoumi P. Dislocation of the Shoulder Joint – Radiographic Analysis of Osseous Abnormalities. Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology. 2016;100(1):89.
- Knipe H. Bankart lesion. Radiopaedia