Category Administration
FACEMs at Night 340

FACEMs at Night: An American Perspective

This is the first of two perspectives on whether FACEMs should work night night shifts, for the second, see Michelle Johnston’s ‘FACEMs at Night: A Mattress Stuffed with Flaw‘. My father, an active general surgeon who has been in practice…

FACEMs at Night 340

FACEMs at Night: A Mattress Stuffed with Flaw

This is the second of two perspectives on whether FACEMs should work night night shifts, for the first, see Anand Swaminathan’s ‘FACEMs at Night: An American Perspective‘. Let us take ourselves one fact. One, simple, undeniable fact. One cannot, after all,…

LITFL rebuild 2019 340

The Blog is only as loud as the blogger

At LITFL and in the froth of #FOAMed we are constantly faced with a barrage of negative, cynical and disparaging comments on the role of the blog and social media in the provision of medical education and patient engagement

Dr Finnbarr Walsh In Memoriam

Finnbarr was a wonderful man, a faithful friend and an amazing doctor. It is humbling to see how many lives he touched. Kind, compassionate and generous beyond compare, Finn truly was a gentleman and a scholar.