Category Investigations
CCC Critical Care compendium 340


Ca2+ exists in the extracellular plasma two states: (1) free ionized state and (2) bound to other molecules (mostly albumin, rest – beta-globulins, phosphate, citrate) ionized Ca2+ concentration is inversely related to pH -> an increase in pH results in a decrease in ionized Ca2+
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Non-invasive Blood Pressure

non-invasive blood pressure measurement involves the application of a pressure cuff and can be performed manually (listening for Korotkoff sounds as the pressure is released
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Shunts and Echocardiography

OVERVIEW can use bubble testing to ID calculate gradients if L->R shunt reverses due to pulmonary hypertension it is Eisenmenger syndrome Echo may not detect extra-cardiac shunts ASD patent foramen ovale (30% incidence in general population) ostium secundum ostium primum…

CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Bilirubin and Jaundice

Bilirubin and Jaundice. Investigations and analysis of conjugated bilirubin, unconjugated bilirubin, urobilinogen and bilirubinuria