Category EBM Gone Wild
EBM Gone Wild snake 340

Everything you know about snakebites is wrong.

Well, maybe. The 6 T's though? Testosterone, Tank, Teasing, Tequila, Tattooed, and Tanktop? Yeah, they're not correct. The terms "legitimate" and "illegitimate" as pertaining to snakebites imply a perception of the patient that may cloud your judgement in treating.

Dislocated? Put your shoulder into it!

Shoulder dislocations. Few procedures are more fulfilling in the emergency department. A little intra-articular lidocaine, some ketamine (always the answer), some propofol, and you’ve nearly instantaneously fixed a painful condition. Thankfully we’ve moved on from the barbaric techniques pictured below.…

EBM Gone Wild mountain 340

Komodo dragons: Myth vs reality

The Komodo dragon is a creature that inspires fear and mysticism in many. It’s got all the characteristics of a good monster movie: only found on rare tropical islands, large, and possessing magical saliva that can kill. First identified by…

EBM Gone Wild mountain 340

About that New Year’s resolution

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions. And we’ve done it for a long time, with resolutions having been recorded since the time of the Babylonians. And while some of them involve repaying old debts, most are attempts at bettering ourselves (losing…