Category Eponym
Norman Jefferis 'Jeff' Holter (1914-1983) 680

Norman J. Holter

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Holter monitor, developed by American biophysicist Norman Jefferis 'Jeff' Holter (1914-1983)
Philip Raikes Bromage (1920-2013) 680

Philip Bromage

Philip Raikes Bromage (1920 – 2013) was a British anaesthetist. Best known for popularizing epidural analgesia/anesthesia and his textbook Epidural Analgesia
Edward Harry Bishop (1913-1995) 680

Edward Bishop

Edward Harry Bishop (1913-1995) was an American obstetrician and gynecologist. Bishop Score (1964), a method to evaluate the cervix in regard to the success or failure of induction of labor.
Henry Khunrath Pancoast (1875-1939) 680

Henry Pancoast

Henry Khunrath Pancoast (1875 – 1939) was an American radiologist. The Pancoast tumour and Pancoast syndrome is named after him

Louis Fridericia

Louis Sigurd Fridericia (1881-1947) was a Danish physician. Eponymous term - Fridericia's formula: QT interval duration related to the cube root of the RR
Henri Mondor (1885-1962) 680

Henri Mondor

Henri Mondor (1885 – 1962) was a French physician, surgeon, and a historian. Mondor disease (1939); Penile Mondor disease (1958)
Henry Cuthbert Bazett (1885-1950) 680

Henry Bazett

Henry Cuthbert Bazett (1885 – 1950) was an English physiologist. Eponym: Bazett's formula to calculate QTc interval for varying heart rates
Jacob Mendes DA COSTA 680

Jacob Da Costa

Jacob Mendez Da Costa (1833-1900) was an American physician. Eponymously affiliated with Da Costa Syndrome (1871) and Leuchonychia striata