Category Eponym

Charles Lund

Charles Carroll Lund (1883-1972) was an American surgeon. Eponymously remembered for the Lund and Browder Chart estimating the total body surface area affected in the management of burns.

Charles Baxter

Charles Rufus Baxter (1929-2005) was an American physician. Baxter made significant advances in the treatment of burn victims and trauma procedures introducing the Parkland formula in 1968.
Hulusi Behçet (1889 - 1948) 340

Hulûsi Behçet

Hulusi Behçet (1889-1948) was a Turkish dermatologist. Behçet disease (1936) ‘triple symptom complex’ of mouth aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, and recurrent iritis
Eponymythology-LITFL-eponymythology 340 256

William P. Hort

William Peter Hort (1799-1852) was an English born, American physician; one of the earliest clinical case reports in America on the use of oral charcoal as an antidote for acute poisoning
Ivor Lewis (1895–1982)

Ivor Lewis

Ivor Lewis (1895–1982) was a Welsh surgeon. Eponymously remembered for 1946 description of Ivor Lewis Oesophagectomy
Julia Dempsey; Sister Mary Joseph (1856 - 1939) 340

Sister Mary Joseph

Sister Mary Joseph (Julia Dempsey) (1856 - 1939) was an American Catholic nun, nurse, and hospital administrator. Sister Mary Joseph sign (1928)
William Edwards Ladd (1880 – 1967) 340

William Edwards Ladd

William Edwards Ladd (1880-1967) was an American paediatric surgeon. The father of paediatric surgery. Ladd bands, Ladd operation, Ladd syndrome (1932)