Category International Emergency medicine
Postcards from the edge LITFL 340

Help African Emergency Medicine Now!

This ‘postcard from the edge’ is by Swedish Emergency Physician Dr Katrin Hruska (@akutdoktorn), who writes a predominantly Swedish language blog called akutdoktorn. Immaculate Nagaddya is a registered nurse, working in Lugada Hospital in Uganda. It is a small hospital…

Postcards from the edge LITFL 340

A Taste of Guinness and Irish A&E

This 'postcard from the edge' comes to us from Dr Sandy Inglis, a peripatetic FACEM (currently) based in France, who recently visited the Northern part of the Emerald Isle.
Postcards from the edge LITFL 340

Emergency Medicine Training in LDCs

aka Postcards from the Edge 009 This ‘Postcard from the Edge’ highlights a talk given by Dr Chris Curry at ACEM2011 conference in Sydney. Chris discusses the development of emergency medicine training in LDCs (Least Developed Countries), using the examples…

Postcards from the edge LITFL 340

Talking about Global Health Drinks

aka Postcards from the Edge 005 Whilst most of our postcard stories of international medicine come from far flung locations telling tales of adventurous and exotic medical experiences, one could argue that a lot of international medical work starts at…

Postcards from the edge LITFL 340

A Postcard from the Edge

Associate Professor Chris Curry has ventured the globe doing things as adventurous as Antarctic expedition medicine since becoming an Emergency Physician