Category Cardiology
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680

Right Ventricular Failure

Right Ventricular Failure: Unrecognised high mortality equal to that of LV failure. Right heart is a low-pressure system, good at dealing with volume (preload) to a point, does poorly with increased afterload (i.e. PH).
Henry Cuthbert Bazett (1885-1950) 680

Henry Bazett

Henry Cuthbert Bazett (1885 – 1950) was an English physiologist. Eponym: Bazett's formula to calculate QTc interval for varying heart rates
Bazett formula 340 1

Bazett formula

Bazett formula 'corrects' the measured QT interval to a value (QTc) attributable to a heart rate of 60 bpm. Thus providing a QT interval value that a particular patient would theoretically have if their heart rate was 60 beats/min
Jacob Mendes DA COSTA 680

Jacob Da Costa

Jacob Mendez Da Costa (1833-1900) was an American physician. Eponymously affiliated with Da Costa Syndrome (1871) and Leuchonychia striata

Da Costa Syndrome

Da Costa syndrome (soldier's heart, neurocirculatory asthenia) most commonly considered a manifestation of an anxiety disorder
Henri Huchard (1844- 1910) 680

Henri Huchard

Henri Huchard (1844-1910) was a French cardiologist and neurologist. Eponymous term: Syndrôme de Huchard (Texidor twinge) in 1893
Texidor’s Twinge 340

Texidor’s Twinge

Also known as precordial catch syndrome (PCS), Texidor Twinge is a benign condition that causes brief episodes of localised musculoskeletal chest pain in children and young adults