Category Cardiology
Heinrich Irenaeus Quincke (1842 - 1922) 340 1

Heinrich Quincke

Heinrich Irenaeus Quincke (1842 - 1922) was a German physician. Quincke's name is eponymous with Quincke's pulse (1868), Quiuncke's oedema (1882), Quincke's achorion (1886), and Quincke's puncture (1891).
Lewis Leads 680

Lewis lead

The Lewis lead configuration can help to detect atrial activity and its relationship to ventricular activity. Named after Welsh cardiologist Sir Thomas Lewis (1881-1945) who first described in 1913.
Fontaine leads 680

Fontaine lead

Fontaine bipolar precordial leads (F-ECG) are used to increase the sensitivity of epsilon wave detection, characteristic of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD/C)
Schamroth sign 680

Schamroth sign

Schamroth sign. Simple sign to determine the presence of finger clubbing. One of the earliest signs of clubbing is obliteration of the Schamroth 'window'.