Category Cardiothoracic Surgery
Ivor Lewis (1895–1982)

Ivor Lewis

Ivor Lewis (1895–1982) was a Welsh surgeon. Eponymously remembered for 1946 description of Ivor Lewis Oesophagectomy
CCC Critical Care Compendium 680


Clevidipine is a drug used as an infusion for severe hypertension or patients who require narrow blood pressure parameters.
Claude Schaeffer Beck (1894-1971) 340

Claude Beck

Claude Schaeffer Beck (1894-1971) was an American Cardiac Surgeon. Described two cardiac compression triads (1935); first successful use of a defibrillator on a human (1947)
Network Five Journal Club Podcast 340

Network Five: ECMO

Network Five Emergency Medicine Journal Club Episode 4 - ECMO: Review of DOSE VF, setting up an ECMO service, and D-dimer
SMACC 2019 red clinical critical care 340

Cardiac transplant

When time is muscle every second counts. Cardiac failure may not be so terminal after all, with Emily Granger