Category Pediatrics
Caleb Hillier Parry (1755 – 1822) 1

Caleb Hillier Parry

Caleb Hillier Parry 1755–1822 English physician described Hemifacial atrophy; angina pectoris; Hirschprung disease; Graves disease in 1825
Paediatric Perplexity 340 256

The Hurty Elbow

So it’s the first shift of a run of nights. A tearful mum has brought in 18-month old Bobby complaining of a hurty arm...now, manage the pulled elbow
Paediatric Perplexity 340 256

Do you want FPIES with that?

A 7-month-old infant is brought into the ED. The infant was well until 1 hour ago when she became pale, floppy and developed profuse non-bilious vomiting...

Baker’s Dozen B’s of Bashed Baby Badness

You can't get through emergency medicine training these days without the TLA 'NAI' ringing in your ears every time a sick child pops up on the triage screen. Can you remember all the things to look for if you suspect non-accidental injury?