Category Toxicology

Button Battery Update 3.0

Want to know the latest on button battery management, prevention and immediate care? Look no further than our latest tox offering.
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William P. Hort

William Peter Hort (1799-1852) was an English born, American physician; one of the earliest clinical case reports in America on the use of oral charcoal as an antidote for acute poisoning
Network Five Journal Club Podcast 340

Network Five: Toxicology

Network Five Emergency Medicine Journal Club Episode 19 - Toxicology reviewing papers on chemical warfare agents, Clozapine and drug overdose in pregnancy.
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Serotonin toxicity

A 23 year-old female is brought to your ED by a friend. She appears anxious, distressed and confused. A friend volunteers that the patient had seen a GP in the past few weeks as she was feeling depressed.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Serotonin Syndrome

Serotonin syndrome results from drug-induced over-stimulation of serotonin receptors in the CNS and is characterized by a triad of CNS dysfunction, autonomic disturbance and neuromuscular effects; aka serotonin toxicity
Toxicology Library Tox Tutes 340

TCA overdose – beyond bicarbonate

A 38 yr old male presents to your ED, 2 hours after ingesting an unknown quantity of amitriptyline (TCA) with a GCS of 13, HR 130, BP96/50. How do you proceed?
Network Five Journal Club Podcast 340

Network Five: Toxicology

In this exciting episode, we will be discussing the role of DigiFab in chronic digoxin toxicity before diving into an interesting case of organophosphate poisoning
Ernest Septimus Reynolds (1861-1926) 680

Ernest S. Reynolds

Ernest Septimus Reynolds (1861 - 1926) was an English physician. Early description of Mees lines, arsenic poisoning and the 'Epidemic of Peripheral Neuritis Amongst Beer Drinkers in Manchester and District'