Category Toxicology
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Cyanide Poisoning

Cyanide is a potentially lethal toxic agent that can be found in liquid and gaseous form. First discovered in 1786 by Scheele, who extracted it from the dye Prussian blue - and promptly died from exposure to the vapours
CCC Critical Care compendium 1200

Isoniazid toxicity

Isoniazid toxicity, like other hydrazines, primarily cause life-threatening seizures and lactic acidosis through depletion of vitamin B6. The antidote is pyridoxine
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Toxic Alcohol Ingestion

Highlights and pearls on toxic alcohol ingestion from the EBMedicine article, "Toxic Alcohols: Not Always A Clear-Cut Diagnosis"
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Mushroom Toxicity

Severe toxicity from mushrooms is rare in humans; most symptomatic presentations are a self-limiting gastroenteritis requiring supportive care only; lethal hepatotoxicity from Amanita mushrooms must be excluded
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbonaceous material. CO poisoning may be acute or chronic
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Smoke inhalation

Smoke is a complicated heterogeneous mixture of potentially toxic gases, chemical fumes, asphyxiants and particulate debris. Smoke inhalation is commonly seen in patients with burns as a result of fire; it is associated with high morbidity and mortality
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Glucagon Therapy

Agonist at glucagon-specific Gs-protein coupled receptor, activates adenylyl cyclase resulting in increased [cAMP]i
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Calcium Channel Blocker Toxicity

Severe calcium channel blocker toxicity is highly lethal, as a result of cardiovascular collapse. Good outcomes can be achieved through aggressive treatment and provision of circulatory support
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Theophylline toxicity

Theophylline and caffeine are the most commonly encountered methylxanthines. Theophylline = water soluble aminophylline derivative; cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors